Is she old or young?
Let's play a funny game. Look at the picture obove in detail. What can you see ? An old woman? Are you sure you don't see anything more? Try again , come on. Maybe you can see a smart young woman too.
If you can only can see the old woman, think her nose could be the young woman's cheek and chin. And the wart on the nose of the old woman could be the nose of the young one. If you look in detail, you will see the mouth of the old woman becomes a beautiful necklace the young woman is wearing.
Psychologists call this “Perceptual investment”.This picture was created by a cartoonist called W.E.Hill on 1915 and it was studied by a psychologist , Dr Boring on 1930. He says , when we look at a picture , our brain groups the elements that apear there according to principles of organization. There are ambiguous drawings like this one that make the brain confused. Depending on the elements we group , our brain sees one thing or another.
6 comentarios:
You give too many hints! I think people will end up seeing both faces with your help!
Thanks for bringing that up! I saw the picture long ago... I love these games which play tricks. I think it also has to do with the right or left side of the brain the way you group images in your mind. By the way, did you do the test?
Just a few comments for you:
-If you CAN (WO)only see
-you will see the mouth of the old woman will becOme/ (or) BECOMES (without will) a beautiful necklace
-when we look AT a picture...
Hint is the same as clue?
Hey! I love your comments, I'm a blogger addict long time ago too. It's a great tool, I agree.
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Hey that's funny. I knew the picture, and some others, but I also remember a picture with a quotation supsoedly by Freud according to which men only have women in mind. But does anyone know waht we women have always in mind?
Carpe noctum!
I knew the Freud's one too and it's also very good. I thing men have more things in the head ( beer , football... hahaahah) just kidding. I don't know too what you women have always in mind. ;)
It's funny because I only could see the younger, and I searched the older and nothing, then I've read and I've found the older. I think it's easyer to find the younger, isn't it?
Someone told me it depended on the character of the person. If you're positive you see the young one and if you see the old, it means you are pessimistic.I don't really think that. Anyway it's still a funny game , isn't it?
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