domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

Barack Obama

First of all I must say that I prefered Obama to be the president of the United States than Mc Cain. I think Obama’s eleccion means a lot about the change that is making civil society in America. Many journalist were talking about the hidden racist vote, and the possibility of some surprises in the election nigth. Finally the forecasts were wright and Obama won the eleccions. I think Mc Cain represents the conservatism and the continuation of the Bush’s policies. Republicans don’t want to recognise the homosexual rights and they are against abortion. This ideas of the republican party are shared by the vast majority of the deep America.

Having said that I think in Europe and in the rest of the world everybody have put too many expectations in Obama. It can be dangerous because I’m not sure he is going to be able to make the big change we all are expecting. For exemple , all the companies and lobby’s who has given money to help Obama’s election campaign now will ask him to give them some “favors”. No politician is free from all that kind of preasures and they are not free to make all what they want to. And more in the States, where the politician campaing is very expensive and the financial contributions are crucial to win the elections.

Another problem for Obama will be the Irak war. During the campaign, he said the troops were going to be back home if he became the president of the United States. We'll if it is true and all the aerican forces in Irak will be back home or they continue with the Irak ocupation.

The financial crisis in the United States and in the rest of the world is another big problem he has. Everybody is waiting for the magic solution but I think it will be more complicated to solve than we think.

We'll see what happens, and if the big expectation Obama has created is certain and everything changes for the better.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

QUÈ El nou musical

Last Sunday I went to a musical that is taking place in Barcelona, called “ Què, el nou musical”.Directed by Àngel Llàcer and Manu Guix, this musical talks about the story of five young people ( underage) who have problems with justice. They are addmited to a rehabilitation program directed by a young man called Josep. (is his first experience in a rehabilitation program like this).The mission of the tutor Josep, is to teach values to the kids. The 5 kids are very problematic because of that, they don't have any respect to the authority.

There is one kid called Moha who had problems with the justice because he was arrested for stealing from a shop. Another one called Angel who was arrested for drug trafficking. Another one who was in a racist gang. And two girls. Susana, who had problems with the justice for stealing in fashion shops. And finally Irene who has psychological problems

The tutor suggest them to make some activities to make them change their bad habits and bad behavior, but they don't obey. They don't want any adult to say them what they have or they don't have to do. In the middle of the therapy the tutor Josep realises, that the key is to make the kids decide what kind of activities they want to do to improve in their values.

I'm not going to say you who the musical ends , you better go and see it yourselves. I only can say you that there are some dramatic situations, some romantic situations and also there are moments that the public laughs.

I have to say that I went to see this musical with some doubts about it's quality. Some people had told me it wasn't a good musical. To be honest it is not a big big production with famous actors or musicians. But I think this is a nice musical to go. The actors are young and they transmit all the energy they have to the people. I must say I enjoyed it. The music and the story are pretty good. And I think that shows like this one , with young actors and young creators must have the support of the public.